Thursday, April 18, 2002

Baptist Press - Intelligent design gets hearing in Ohio

Well, we seem to have become the Origins Science blog lately, for some reason. But I imagine it's merely a passing fancy (blogging these sources, that is, not reading them.)

This is a really complete article about the science standards that are being developed in Ohio. Evolution censors bullied Kansas into changing their laws a couple of years ago by basically saying "you dumb hicks aren't as smart as we city folks". Hopefully Ohio won't be so easily pushed around.
AlterNet -- Where, oh Where Has the Muckraker Gone?

For those who are convinced about the liberal media, here's an alternative view (get it?). Read and make up your own mind.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Three-minute book review: Darwin on Trial by Phillip E. Johnson

Genre: Evolution Recommended: HIGHLY

Synopsis: A critique of the various theories of evolution, and the near-religious fanaticism of naturalists.

Opinion: This was a college texbook I never bothered to read when I was in school. Wow, I never realized what I was missing!

The book jacket says that Johnson is a law professor at Cal-Berkeley who "took up the study of Darwinism because he found that books defending the theory were dogmatic and unconvincing." The author takes a logician's point of view and gives the reader a peek behind the curtain of Darwinism. What he shows us would probably be shocking to the general public.

The author spends a lot of time punching holes in the assumptions of the various branches of Darwinism of the past and present. He demonstrates major problems with all the major pillars of Darwinism including the theory that natural selection produced the vast variety of species and that life developed from chemicals in a "primordial soup".

But Johnson's real goal isn't to debate whether natural selection is the best theory for explaining these interesting questions. His main aim is to show that a lot of scientists, museums, and science journals are not really looking for "truth" like objective science would -- they're looking for proof of evolution. It's a big difference, because all the evidence that would disprove their theories (and there is a lot, the author shows) is just considered "no results".

Researchers who defend evolution get funded, published, and adored. In contrast, researchers who pursue evidence that contradicts these beliefs are berated, discredited, and branded "creationists". Of course the public schools are a primary battleground where Darwinists brutally purge any suggestion that this stuff is "just a theory". It turns out that many of the evolutionists are just as dogmatic and closed-minded as they would accuse a fundamentalist Christian of being.

In revealing many of Darwinists' dirty little secrets, Johnson shows how fanatic and intellectually dishonest people can be when they're protecting a sacred belief.

Why should I read it? If you've ever wondered "how can any intelligent person believe in God?" this book is for you.

Of Moths and Men
Kettlewell's "moth evolution" is one of those famous illustrations that capture the imagination of the public, but in the end aren't really what Darwinists say they are. But for Darwinists to admit it, they would give a victory to the "enemy", so they won't. My prediction: don't expect it to be removed from textbooks any time soon.