Three-minute book review: 1984 by George Orwell
Genre: Classics
Recommended: yes
Synopsis: Famous "cautionary tale" about life in a complete totalitarian state.
This one wasn't really a page-turner for me, but if you stick with it (the book is not very long) it's really brilliant.
My favorite part was when Winston finds "The Book" that explains where Big Brother gets his power from. It's an interesting device that allows the author to explain in great detail how the sytem works -- very interesting. A point that I totally missed when analyzing the "greater meaning" in it all (which of course is the whole reason to read the book) was that The Book isn't necessarily true! That sort of blew my mind -- good catch, Lynn.
I know we're supposed to say that this is More Relevant Today Than Ever Before -- but I'm not one of those big anti-government types. Certainly the technology has arrived to make Big Brother a reality, but I just feel like it would take a LONG TIME for the West to get to where Oceania was.
Disclaimer: There was a lot of talk about sex, which I could have done without. So be warned.